Friday, January 20, 2012

Who Am I?

Who am I? I am simply another teenager in this enormous world trying to find out the answer to that question. Even though I don’t completely understand myself, there are some aspects that I know and accept. I am a lovable girl with a passion for nature and the arts, curious about everything, and definitely different than others. You will not find someone like me. A curiosity for exploring and adventuring sparks up my imagination and creativity. The most important thing to me currently is my family. No matter where you are, and what you do, they will always be there and love you. My parents and sister have taught me a lot throughout the years and I don’t know where I would be without them. They have taught me love, care, wisdom, respect, and to be responsible for your own actions. They have also taught me in order to be 
successful, you need to work hard and earn it. Everyone knows the best feeling in the world is to complete something you’ve done and be proud of it. I love to make art, always have and always will. I have a sketchbook full of my drawings and ideas. I love to draw, paint, and sculpt. The idea of creating something of your own is amazing. I am a huge animal person; I love all kinds of animals. I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, an iguana, and fishes. I don’t know where I would be without music. Music allows me to let go and just enjoy life. Since my family is from a European background, the history behind Europe interests me because history is the foundation of the world. I love to think deeply and think about the questions of life. My ultimate dream to achieve in my lifetime is to travel the world. There is so much more out there to explore and discover. Some places I would want to visit are Germany, Rome, England, Ireland, and Amsterdam; pretty much all around Europe. My trip last summer to British Columbia, Canada sparked my love for different environments. I also love to snowboard. The fresh air and the view while going down the mountain exhilarates me. Even though I don't know the answer to this question, I'm working hard to find it out and I can feel that I'm pretty close to finding it out.

"To the question of your life, you are the answer. 
And to the problems of your life, you are the solution."


  1. As a fellow artist, I totally understand what your saying about "creating something you've done". I love the feeling of completing a project and knowing that everything on there was a branch of my own ideas. I think art is a really great tool to help guide creative thought and organize ideas. You should definitely put up some pictures of your work!

  2. I admire that you have such determination on finding something that you arn't even sure exists. Its also inspiring that you have interest in the history behind Europe because many people don't know anything nor are they interested about the history of where their family is from.

  3. i completely agree with you on the fact that music lets you let go sometimes in life. i think your dream of traveling the world is intriguing, i would love to do that someday too!

  4. Hey Wiktoria-
    like I said in class, I love BC! Skied Whistler the last two years!
