Sunday, February 5, 2012

Social Creation

This week, we learned about how our society affects the way that we see certain things and how we perceive them, which is called Social Construction of Reality. An example of Social Construction of Reality is the way society perceives saliva and spit. It's considered 'weird' if someone spits onto a spoon and puts it back in their mouth, (if they were to do that), but it was just in their mouth, so what's so weird about it? The activity in class really helped me understand what this term meant. It's not considered right because society made everyone think that it's just not normal. This really helps me understand how much of an impact society really has on me and everyone around me. An example that connects to my life is how all of the students at my high school have a high tech cell phone, like the newest iPhone, and if someone doesn't have a touch screen, or a QWERTY keyboard, then they wouldn't accept it and find it odd. This week in class truly showed me how big of an impact society has on everyone.


  1. Glad you understand the lesson. I'd like to see you use the terminology too, social construction of reality. Your example is a little bit of a stretch or at least it could use more explanation.

  2. I found this really interesting too! I can definitely see how society has impacted how I behave as well
