Thursday, February 9, 2012

Social Groups

This week in Sociology was very short due to Odyssey, a fine arts exploration that the whole school takes part in. It showed me that everyone can work together to create something bigger and took me out of my 'bubble' to discover new things. We also did an activity in class called "Abandon Ship" where we had 16 members on a boat, and 7 of them had to be thrown overboard. Since I was an old woman, I knew that I was not going to stay on the boat since I had no use and was very weak and could not hold onto expectations. This proved that in our society we view strength and youth as more valuable, then the old and wise. When I made a list of all the groups I was apart of, it was strange to see that II had an influence on many people in my life and I didn't really realize it. It was very interesting to view that I am one person involved in many different things with many different people. 

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