Thursday, March 1, 2012

What is this...?

Everyone knows that awkward and uncomfortable feeling they get when they experience something new to them. Just like when someone moves from their homeland, for example like Kenya, and move to the United States. They experience something called Culture Shock. In class, we watched a documentary called "God Grew Tired of Us." It was about a group of Africans moving to America to have an opportunity to escape the war and experience privileges that Americans experience that their home country does not. They were very confused with the different culture and had many questions. For example, they did not know what a shower was or how to use it. They also didn't understand electricity or our stores and foods. They experienced culture shock. Also in class, we learned about American values that we follow. Just like how important time is to Americans. Americans are very concerned with getting things on time and done in detail and precision. Time is so valued because one can accomplish more goals than those who do not. Time=money. For example, my parents need to work a certain amount of hours per week, and if they do not achieve that goal, they'll get fired. It's not worth the stress of being jobless then to do what your supposed too, on time.


  1. I thought that it was really funny how they used alot of the wrong things for everyday life. Like how of of the guys put crackers and milk in a blender.

  2. I found the movie so interesting, and it was shocking how amazed they were at the simplicity of showers! I also noticed the importance of time in our culture, it really affects the decisions we make.

  3. I also find it interesting that we know doing what you have to do is better than losing a job. Time is so important to use. Although I love to relax, just like any other teenager, I like to stay busy and get things done!

  4. I definitely agree that Americans are focused on getting things done! Unlike many cultures where relaxation is common and considered a good thing, we become uncomfortable when we take long breaks from working. For example, at the beginning of summer vacation, I kept being all antsy because it hadn't set in that I didn't have anything I needed to complete at that moment, and I was so accustomed to constantly having things to do!
