Thursday, March 8, 2012

Teachings of Life

This week in Sociology, we learned about the ways we live in our culture and our potentials. We watched a documentary on a Sociology teacher named Morrie. The narrator used to be one of favorite students and he wanted to say goodbye to him the right way. While he was constantly over at his house, Morrie would teach him the meanings of life every Tuesday. Morrie teaches him that our culture remourses death. Morrie quotes "When we were infants we needed others to live, when we are dying we need others to live, but here's the secret - in between we need others even more." I completely agree with this quote because we don't realize how much we need others while we live, which causes the sense of individualism and isolation. I feel like also distrusting plays a role into individualism because we do not like to rely on others because we learned not to trust anyone but yourself in this society. For example, when given a choice in class to work with a partner for an assignment, I choose to be alone because more than likely I'll be stuck with all the work.

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