Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Growing Man Metaphor.

I am making this blog up from a couple weeks ago as well. This week we learned about nature vs. nurture. This debate is dependent on whether or not the way the environment affects the way we behave or the way that we were raised by. Nature is made up of our genetic make-up and our hard-wired behavior. The nature theory takes things  a step further to say that maybe our intelligence and personality are also engraved in our DNA. Nurture is the behavior influenced by our environment. I believe that we are more influenced by nurture than nature, not only because a ton of researchers have proven it, but because I have experienced by myself. For example, when I was young, and I was a pet-fanatic, I would have a ton of hamsters. the hamsters I paid more attention too and cared more for, were the ones that were nice and happy with life. But the ones that I wouldn't pay much attention too, would bite me whenever I tried to pick them up or poop on me, etc. We also learned in class the "growing man metaphor.The idea is that to go from being a baby ruled by emotions, instincts and training to being a fully human adult, we need other people. Without other people, we would not be able to become fully conscious and aware adults in the future. 

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