Sunday, April 15, 2012

Socialization Agents.

I am making this post up for the one I missed a while ago. Throughout everyones life, every human is shaped by the world in which they live in. This process is called Socialization, but this week in class we learned about the different agents of socialization. The definition of an agent of socialization is a group or people that influence the behaviors of an individual by making them think or act a certain way. Some examples of agents of socialization is your family, friends, religion, or even your gender. I would think that your family is the most important agent of socialization. Our family teaches us the core way to act towards things and determines peoples attitudes towards religion and ways of thinking. For example, my family has taught me to be a Catholic and reinforced it by taking me to church from a young age. I also think that education is an important agent of socialization. It teaches us from a young age particular skills and certain values in society by teaching us the greater function of society.

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