Thursday, May 24, 2012


This week in sociology, we watched a movie called Crash. It's a movie that follows different people and different races and how racism affects their daily lives. I've seen this movie before, but not with a sociological mind like I did in class. This movie really showed our class that race is a sociological construction and is engraved into everybody's heads. An example from the movie that shows this is when the detective classified his friend as white. She got offended and replied that her background is not white, but Puerto Rican and Salvadorian. This showed how much people judge others on the way their skin looks. This movie also showed our class how racism affects society. An example is when the mexican locksmith was accused of breaking into a store and trashing everything, but really it was not him. I feel like this movie opened everyone's eyes in how terrible and cruel explicit and implicit racism really is. An example of implicit racism is when the lady grabbed her husband to "protect" her from two black men. She did not know this would offend them, but it did.

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