Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's all about money.

Everyone wants to be rich. Who wouldn't want to be? The cars, the houses, the education, the clothes. What a life. But only a very small percent of Americans experience this lifestyle while the others suffer from poverty. They're not able to feed their children, or even themselves, or get a good paying job to provide the absolute necessities while the rich experience an abundant of materialistic things. Many people in lower classes (working class or blue collar) actually do hard labor each day to receive low pay and hopefully achieve a move up in social class. many parents also work hard to get money and provide a stable and healthy lifestyle for their children. So they do so much with hope that they'll succeed in moving up. Moving up is no doubt hard, and maybe even impossible to do for some. They can run into obstacles that slow them down; student loans, bankruptcy, education, family status and much more. But luckily for me, my mother worked hard to earn what we have today and I'm really thankful for that. She was an immigrant from Europe coming to America hoping to achieve the American dream. When she came here, she didn't have much. She worked a day job and at night she would go to school to learn English to get by. As she continued getting used to the living here, she started making more and succeeding and surprisingly today she is up in the middle class living a stable life. I believe people could move up with luck and determination, but it's very unlikely due to difficult obstacles.

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